Yonsei Portal: Online Course List and Course Registration
Yonsei University provides the Yonsei Portal to browse available courses online, download course syllabi, register courses and check grades. Browsing courses is possible without registration. Registering courses requires login credentials, which are emailed in due time before the start of the course registration period.
Note: the Yonsei Portal website as well as many other Korean websites is mostly tested with the Microsoft Edge web browser. Other browsers should work well, but if you experience problems, the first step is always to retry with the Microsoft Edge browser.
Course enrollment
Yonsei University employs a bidding system for course registration. Please familiarize yourself with this course registration process as described here. The course registration process is summarized below from the perspective of students in Computer Science.
Eligibility based on study major
Exchange students are required to declare their Yonsei University study major. This study major does not have to exactly match your home university major, but it must be related to it. Courses state the study major of their target students. A student who does not match any of the required study major(s) of a course may not be eligible to enroll in this course.
For example, if a student selects "Computer Science" as the study major at Yonsei University, she/he will be eligible to enroll Computer Science courses, but might not be allowed to enroll a course in EEE.
NOTE: it is worthwhile to contact the course instructor in case of a study major mismatch. The course instructor may allow a student to enroll a course if the student matches all course prerequisites.
Deciding a study major
You are recommended to browse our course offerings in each major area related to you (Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), etc.). If, for example, Computer Science offers the most courses interesting to you, you should declare Computer Science as your study major here at Yonsei University (as long as it is related to your major at your home university, as stated above).
Browsing undergraduate course offerings across major areas:
You find our course offerings on the Yonsei portal site. To determine your related major areas, please select "Course Catalogue and Syllabus: Undergraduate & Graduate". Populate the search boxes as shown in this example. Select "College of Engineering", because the computer-science related majors belong all to the College of Engineering. Be sure to tick "English Courses Only". In the before-mentioned example, the selected drop-down menu shows the available major areas. Select each of them one-by-one and consider the offered courses displayed in the course list of a particular major.
In the course list, clicking on the colored arrows next to a course ID displays further information, in particular the course description.
When reading the course description of a course, you should watch out for the target students of a course. The stated target students should correspond to your declared major to be eligible for entering the course.
For example, if a course states "Computer Science" as the target students, then entering as an EE major may require permission from the course instructor or may be impossible at all.
You are recommended to read our Guide and FAQ in parallel to browsing the course lists, to familiarize yourself with the course registration procedure quickly.
In addition to the study major, you must also meet the course prerequisites to enroll a course.
The "Software Capstone Design 1 & 2" courses offered in Computer Science are project-driven undergraduate courses, where student teams research a problem chosen in accordance with the team supervisor (a faculty from the Department of Computer Science). Classroom contact hours are limited to project progress presentations and discussions. In addition, supervisors conduct team meetings, sometimes in conjunction with graduate students. Capstone courses are usually offered by several course coordinators. Thus the course will show up multiple times in the course list. Yonsei University students in Computer Science are required to take two semesters of capstone design. Thus Version 1 and 2 are offered. If you stay for two semesters and want to take the capstone design course during both semesters, you should start with ``Software Capstone Design 1'' in your first semester.
Graduate versus undergraduate course offerings:
Please make sure to understand the eligibility criteria for enrollment of undergraduate and graduate students here. Depending on your enrollment status, you may be eligible to enroll both undergraduate and graduate courses.
Courses offered by the Office of International Affairs:
Exchange students are eligible to take all courses offered by the Office of International Affairs. See Section "Study Abroad Course" of our Guide.
In particular, exchange students are eligible to take a Korean language course offered by Yonsei University's Korean Language Institute ( KLI).
Courses offered more than one semester from now
Course offerings are provided on the portal system for the upcoming semester, but not further "into the future". To get a good indication on the courses offered beyond the upcoming semester, please browse the course offerings of the corresponding past semester. E.g., to find out about the Fall semester next year, look at this year's or last year's Fall semester course offerings. Please note that course offerings might change, e.g., due to changes in the curriculum.
Registration and Credit Points
- A one-semester course typically consists of three hours per week of classroom instruction, plus projects, homeworks and self-study time. Three credit points (CPs) are awarded for such a course.
- Per semester CP minima and maxima for both undergraduate and graduate students are given here.
- The Korean language course offered by the KLI contains more than three hours of classroom instruction and thus accounts for a higher number of CPs (usually 6 CPs). You must consider this in your CP calculations, to stay within the allowed CP maximum.
- It is not possible to register courses with overlapping classroom hours. This is a particular concern for the Korean language course, which takes place 5 days a week.
- The online course registration is available during several designated days prior to the start of the semester. Those days are stated with the description of our course registration process.
- Registration is possible during the so-called course add-drop-period. The add-drop-period is our first week of the semester; its purpose is to allow students to shop for additional courses and refine their course portfolio based on the information they get from attending the initial lecture(s) of a course.
- Waiting queues are processed on a first-come-first-served basis, thus registering early is strongly recommended.
- If the course you want to register is already booked-out:
- Immediately contact the course instructor whether increasing the number of slots is possible. If so, try again to register online.
- During the add-drop-period: ask the course instructor after class; the course instructor may sign a form to register you for the course.