CSI2100 Computer Programming
Target Students
1st year undergraduate students in the Department of Computer Science.
The course introduces students to programming, using C as a first language. UNIX and MS Windows environments, the C development cycle, data representation, control-flow (if, switch/case, loops, procedural abstractions, goto), operators, program structure, macros and the C preprocessor, pointers and addresses, dynamic memory allocation & tool-support (valgrind), arrays, structures, unions, typedef, error-handling, and the UNIX file abstraction will be covered.
The course comprises two hours of lectures, two hours of supervised labs and one homework per week.
Textbook and References
K.N. King, C Programming - A Modern Approach 2nd Edition, 2008, W.W.Norton & Company Inc.
Course Notes and resources will be provided on YSCEC (http://yscec.yonsei.ac.kr)